"What took you so long?" she answered.
As with many girls, I suppose, the LLDDL had childhood dreams of walking runways, pouting for cameras, and otherwise developing eating disorders. So when she was approached for an impromptu photo shoot, she left treadmarks getting to her designated close-up spot.
I watched from the sidelines as the LLDDL absolutely LIT UP the camera, having great fun while she was at it.
It was such an enjoyable scene, I completely forgot to take a picture of it.
When the LLDD was through - after maybe 2 gigs worth of photos - the crew suddenly turned to me and asked "Would you want to appear too?"
As with many boys, I suppose, the LLDD had childhood dreams of walking runways, pouting for cameras, and otherwise developing eating disorders. So when he was approached for an impromptu photo shoot ... how does "Atty. Zoolander, FSO IV" sound?
The LLDDL, being a better person than I, captured the moment for posterity. I didn't know exactly what I was doing, or what the guy with the car windshield reflector was for, but I think I did ok for a guy with chins in the multiple of threes.
Heck, I thought it was such a hoot I even tried a personal appearance trick they taught during cadetship where you fold your arms with palms outward and resting above the biceps (instead of underneath the armpits). I think we all agree . . . I look ridiculous.
Still, all in all, it was an ego-enriching experience. So it was just gravy when the very next day my cousin - who works in showbiz, mind you - texted my sister "Hey cuz! I just saw Oceans 13. Tell (me) he looks so much like Matt Damon! Cheers :)"
To be honest, the LLDDL had mentioned an alleged resemblance long before my cousin texted, but I always thought she just wanted jewelry or something. My old office staff also said the same thing whenever they wanted me to approve their sick leaves. But this was the first time someone detached and impartial (and showbiz-y!) ever made the astute observation.
(BTW, I wonder what "Cat" makes of all this?)
When things subsided a bit - oh, about three weeks later - I immediately searched for an ideal Matt Damon pic for the blog masthead TO SUBTLY REMIND EVERYONE THAT SOME PEOPLE ACTUALLY THINK I RESEMBLE MATT DAMON. I could've picked one from the Ocean's trilogy, but thought Jason Bourne was a better fit because he goes from embassy to embassy and kicks ass.
POSTSCRIPT: There's still a chance we'll get to see how the LLDDL's shoot turned out. The photo crew remarked that she too looked like someone famous, i.e., the billionaire publisher of the magazine where our photos will (hopefully) appear. Judge for yourself:
I suppose being the lookalike of a billionaire publisher increases the LLDDL's chances of getting in a magazine, but it might also increase the risk of her getting kidnapped or something.
Of course, she could always call on Jason Bourne to rescue her.