

Remember when I had a blog? I'd weigh in on the hot actress issue of the day, post out-of-focus travel photos, make bad puns and quote 80's lyrics and whatnot.  Good times, good times.

This year has seen me have less and less opportunity for any of that. Particularly over the last few months, I simply haven't had the time or energy to do much extra stuff, much less write about it.  Heck, I wasn't even able to prepare for my own league's fantasy draft last month, or do any gift-shopping for my family this Christmas.

 say what?

The source of my blogthargy is easily traceable: this is the year my LL/DD was fully overtaken by my being OC -- Office Concierge. So 2012 wasn't quite the Mayan end-of-days for me, more of one of those "XYZ Trading Corporation" calendars made of dull recycled paper that everyone receives but no one but small hardware stores display.

Make no mistake, an OC is important to the running of a mission, and it's not as if I was relieved of my other more diplomatey work.  I also have nothing but the highest admiration and appreciation for my batchmates and contemporaries who are doing thankless, riskier work in far more dangerous/less comfortable corners of the globe. Being OC, however, sucks up all of my time and saps all of my strength, not to mention makes me play out of position -- like Wayne Rooney suiting up as goalkeeper, or Russell Crowe singing up on Les Miserables.  Quality talent? Sure. Essential role? Absolutely. Pleasant viewing? ehh...

Then as if on cue, I recently learned the following ads started appearing in Philippine newspapers:

 (they were right under the swimsuit pictures of our Ms. Universe runner-up. Um, so I'm told) 

Respect. I'm proud to say I know all of the above FSOs and have even done OC stuff involving every one them over the past year. On the other hand, I don't think their photographer will be contacting me any time soon asking me to join their modelling ranks because: a) I still have a noche buena double chin; and b) "On Monday, the LLDD moved office furniture around, counted personnel's vacation and sick leaves, argued over parking spaces, and inspected the chancery's basement water sanitation system.  The LLDD is an OC. You could be one, too" miiiight not be catchy enough for purposes of attracting the best and the brightest to the foreign service.       

Still, I count my blessings every day and thank God for where I am and what I have.  Work is work, service is service, whether as an LL, DD or OC.  So au revoir 2012, bring on 2013.  Whatever happens, I'll still have all that is truly important and that brings me the greatest joys: impending Star Wars Episodes 7-9, timely Cracked articles (Philippines No. 1!), and a family that loves me no matter what*.

(*"What" being all the Christmas-shopping I failed to do) 

Revenge will be mine, daddy. Even if it lands me on Santa's 2013 "naughty" list, revenge will be mine.