I'm telling you man, almost every Fil-com event I've been to in Sydney has been lit to levels not seen in London. The weather here just makes people show up and show out. And the joy and passion reaches out and over to other nationalities, cultures and demographics well beyond your typical or traditional Pinoys. Top it all off with The Month of Love, and you've got yourself some par-taaaays. Lessee, we got:
Ambassadors for Culture and Arts
Mic Drop Moment: almost every number was mic drop worthy, but there's gotta be a special place for a song from the soon-to-premier Noli! The Musical
Ladies of Illawara
Mic Drop Moment: I don't have it on video, but my consular colleague kept on being pulled to the dance floor by a succession of masked titas. Plus, the local mayor was getting down.
Members of the Mardi Gras Movement
Mic Drop Moment: the operatic Divinyls/rocking Bon Jovi mash-up we both need and deserve
at siyempre hindi magpapahuli -- Seniors, baby!
Mic Drop Moment: Everything. The Seniors totally shut down
(by 1.00 p.m.)