
BBC Travel

The Olympic Clock apparently had enough of me calling it a nag, so it called its brother Time and its pal Fate and set on short notice the V-est of possible VIP visits to London well ahead of the Games. For added degree of difficulty, they scheduled everything to go down on a Jubilee weekend when all major London roads will be closed and all city hotels will be full. 

Alrighty then.

But you won't break me, Clock.  This is what I trained for, 'innit? Keep Calm and Bring it On, I say.

In the meantime, I may not be breathing much less blogging until the end of it all, so I think now is as good a time as any to stall and just have a photodump of recent travels of the LLDD-family to BBC country - Blenheim, Brighton and Cambridge.  

By the time all the pics load, it should be time for the Opening Ceremonies, and that bloody Olympic Clock should be gone from my sights forever. 




And it's always good to leave things on a Zombie Haiku note. It just is.

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