

. . . with FSO Batchmates.  

The last time I was with a handful of them was right before my UK posting. By then, most everyone else in the Batch had already gone to their respective foreign assignments and left us behind

yet I still was never the coolest one around

And it feels so good?

Well, it's more poignant than anything, because when I returned home some batchmates still hadn't finished their first assignments yet, while others had already left for their second foreign postings.  So there's a quiet realization among the Batch that we may never see each other or ever get back together as a group again.

and those who are here all got really good at bowling at their posts

Reunited. . . with High School Classmates

Honestly, I hadn't seen some of them in decades, and the last class gathering I can remember was when Y2K was still a thing

as were boy bands

And it feels so good?

In this age of social media, it wasn't that hard to keep track of what others were up to, or even carry on with our childish alaskahan from afar.  As one meme once said "I don't really need reunions. I'm on facebook. I already know who got fat."

and who still has hair

Reunited . . .with Nieces and Nephews

Now we're talking. I was genuinely excited to come back and see the young 'uns who, at the time we left for London, were essentially just babies -- or hadn't even been born yet!

And it feels so good?

Sigh.  We have to make a distinction.  Those on the LLDD-Hyphen-L's side went from adorable...

. . . to magaganda at guapo.

While those on my side just went from this...

. . .to this

it's like we never left...and shouldn't have come back

Reunited . . . with the Shipment

That is, our shipment of stuff accumulated in London over six years, including a last second surge of pasalubong, IKEA and high street shopping

And it feels so good?

Oh, just play us out already, Peaches and Herb

There's one perfect fit
And, sugar, this one is it
We both are so excited 'cause we're reunited, hey, hey

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