

Just attended the Australian foreign office's "Consular State of Play" briefing (which is their awesome way of calling the year-end report of all consular cases handled by Aussie foreign service posts around the world). There's a lot of sound advice to be had in the report for tourists of any country (get travel insurance! follow local laws!), as well as interesting data on the amount and kind of cases embassies and consulates have to face. For this briefing, they presented a couple of case studies from Thailand to serve as cautionary tales for the travelling instagrammin' throngs (I repeat: GET TRAVEL INSURANCE. FOLLOW LOCAL LAWS). All of this info later led me to stumble upon a recent online article describing some of the "many bizarre, and often serious requests our (Australian) consular officials contend with (in Thailand) every day."

Go on then.

Not bad. And that's just from one country. Oi, didn't the British foreign office also keep a list of this sort of thing? Yes, they did!  I wonder if the Aussies also have a global greatest hits compilation? Yes they do!

So...no worries, mates? 

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