Many people are saying if COVID's around long enough its sure to run into your country's Overseas Voting cycle and if you're running your country's Overseas Voting cycle you're sure to be around someone who has long COVID many people are saying this
And so it came to pass that this AHOP...

...tested positive...

...right as the vote-by-mail was about to kick off...

...and while symptoms were mild...

...trolling was not.

Still, once I recovered and cleared quarantine, the rest of the election period went by quickly (if blurrily) and before I knew it we were already at the final counting stage...

...and the physical challenge for posts around the world became who could stay up through the night/time-difference while 30 copies of everything were being printed at dot-matrix speed...

...who would have people just crash under their tally tables...

...and who would have AHOPs fall asleep sitting up while delivering returns to the Embassy

I was just resting my blurry eyes
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