

Another weekend, another request to deliver "inspirational remarks." This time, we're at the Christmas party of a large FilCom Bowling association. I believe my speech went well enough, but I suppose that was all but guaranteed by the formidable number of bowling-related puns in my arsenal. The best one: lovingly referring to a pregnant lady as carrying "her own little bowling ball." The worst: making any "7-10" split metaphor. Just don't go there.

But what's this? People were not in fact rapturously applauding my speech, but rather the party's entertainment numbers? Who were these performers who had everyone (ahem) bowled over?

A musician who massaged the hell out of his guitar....

....and a re-telling of the club's history -- in old-school lakandiwang dula format.

I see. Those were freaking awesome, actually. Compared to the bowling club's entertainers, I wasn't such an "inspiration" after all. If anything, I caused everyone some des-(ahemmmmm ahemmmmm cough cough cough a-HEMMMMMMMM!)-spare.

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