I swear, I won't be one of those parents who won't shut up or stop bragging about their babies (or, as they call the female of that specie here in the UK, dummy mummies). Nope, none of that lack of civility here on this blog dedicated to the advancement of law and diplomacy.
That being said, I am still very much a certified LL-DD-PP (Proud Parent), and if I can make any connection between my little bundle of joy and legal embassy work...THEN ALL BETS ARE OFF!
So...who wants to see my baby getting her first diplomatic passport photos taken? You do!!
Now, because I'm so pitied high-ranking at the office, I thought any photos of the LLDD-Baby I submitted would be rubber-stamp approved post-haste. I was wrong. Big time. Indeed, the entire set of photos I first took were decisively rejected by the consular boss with by-the-book certainty:
None of the pictures would be acceptable for the passport. Mouth should be closed. She should also be looking up at you -- so it looks straight. Adjust her neck as you take photos. Hands must also be down.
OK...mouth closed, check. Look straight, check. Hands down, check.
blue background of Embassy, check
OK. I think I got all that. Sounds easy enough. Let's fraking DO this!!!
(after three hours.....)
And to think, this is just for the passport. What the heck am I going to do about photos for the British visa?

I got your diplomatic immunity right here, daddy.
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