

The LLDD can wax eloquent about the Lady enough to crash this blog's server, so he won't even bother. For your purposes, suffice to say she's wicked smart and smoking hot.

If you want to know more about the LLDDL, you can check out her Friendster page (just hope she accepts your invite; heck, even I'm not a sure thing).

In the meantime, here are a few pix I've taken of the LLDDL. I'd attach more, but nobody would pay any more attention to me on my own blog.

the LLDDL loves her her pan de sal

babae sa bintana

the LLDDL maintains poise in the face of harassment from other DD's

She'll welcome you anytime, anywhere . . .

...but will strike a forlorn pose whenever the LLDD is away on travel (like you wouldn't want to come back to that!)

And, at night, she glows =)

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