

Not bad, not bad. Full credit should go, of course, to the LLDDL for being so sharp and cool at these things. I've said it before: if we were an Amazing Race team, she would be the one nailing all the flights and solving all the puzzles; I'd be the one who cries while eating balut and barfs in the taxicab.

No, if anything goes wrong during the wedding, it will probably be due to a screw-up by moi.

Make no mistake, I'm really trying. I've immersed myself in all things frilly. I've gone to the bridal fairs (best: Shangri-la; worst: Megamall). I've met with the suppliers (personalities: strong). Heck, I not only saw Bride Wars, I actually understood many of the industry inside jokes and found myself nodding in agreement and muttering "yes, yes, that is so true, Kate."

"Oh that LLDD. He just gets us!"

Ultimately, however, my failure to intuitively comprehend certain wedding details shines through. Thus, I repeatedly insisted to a church clerk that "banns" was a typo that she should correct. She got her revenge by misinforming me that our notification photo had to be large, close-up, and posted at eye-level.

"Awww, look at all the couples phot....Good Lord, that guy in glasses has a huge head!!!"

My shortcomings haven't resulted in any major meltdown...yet. I'm just so afraid I'm missing some possible warning signs along the way. Should I be concerned, for instance, that the office handling our venue reservation had in its lobby a live woman standing on a chair posing like the Virgin Mary for no apparent reason?

I'm sure it's nothing

Then there's the entourage. The LLDDL's nieces make up most of the flower girls, and they are some of the most heartachingly cute baby dolls around. On my end, I have a sweet, sweet niece who loves to wear girlie pink -- and nothing but girlie pink. So much so she goes around in a pink fairy princess outfit as pambahay. The problem: our wedding motif is nowhere near girlie pink.

I haven't the heart to tell her.

And last but not least, the ring, coin and bible bearers will (sigh) also come from my side of the family.

You see the concern.

Still, I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best, confident that, if anything does go wrong, the LLDDL will readily address it.

Me, I'll be crying and barfing somewhere.

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