

Showing that diplomats too can be hip to this interweb fad, the image below has been doing the rounds of FSOs' facebook accounts as the profession's contribution to the "what I think I do" meme.

because "loldiplocats" was deemed too edgy

This in turn brings to my mind a story a couple of years ago when my Fil-Aussie nephews (Oi, Oi and Oi), then aged three to seven, used to visit the Philippines. To endear myself to them and seem like a cool tito, I would never fail to come home from work bearing some food pasalubong, usually sweet baked goods.

One day, their mom thought to ask them "You're uncle is a diplomat. Do you know what diplomats do?"

The second nephew (Oi), without missing a beat, replied "make doughnuts?"


It's a shame that's what they think I do. But I can't reveal my true identity. I just can't.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, sometimes what I think I do and what I do jive! Bisitahin mo ako dito sa Pretoria!