

Hong Kong, you're in for some serious climate change, for your new Philippine vice-consul is none other than the batch's one and only ABANDON JOY GOES ORAL!

Some inconvenient truths about our beloved Bacolod-er:
  1. She's injured more players - girls and boys - during our semi-regular Thursday night co-ed basketball game than everyone else combined (the LLDD's forehead was once at the receiving end of one of her hard fouls; there literally was an imprint of her hand across my noggin for two days; I looked like a Klingon).
  2. She's the only batchmate whose "-isms" have their own subject heading in the batch blog (sample: "ang tamis pala ng sweet corn!").
  3. She's subject of a batch office pool predicting the date of her forcible recall from post by the Home Office (we're a cruel, cruel batch).
  4. She's forbidden from marrying anyone with a last name beginning in "M", because then her initials would be "LBM", and none of us has the heart to address any important communication to her "Urgent LBM".

Seriously, these two should never mate.

We're kidding of course. Our joyful batchmate has been just that to us over the years, and Hong Kong is a challenging post for anyone. She has our love, our support, and our clear instructions to get an apartment big enough to hold us whenever we want to shop or visit Disneyland.

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