

Well, we always knew we'd never get the whole band back together -- what with our staggered foreign assignments, official trips, study leaves and secondments (and even a couple of resignations). The best we could really hope for on any given day was gathering enough of the batch to split an uber. Still, those few occasions we had with each other all proved to be fun and memorable - like that time we all scored Oishi swag...

...or that time after the flag ceremony a more senior officer was just wandering around the lobby and straight-up giving away barbecue...

...or those photobooth shenanigans at a senior officer's despedida... 

...or that sudden wind storm that almost (not really) made us look like Reservoir Dogs...

...or ??????????????

And of course there was the Christmas lunch, where the batch had its strongest turnout yet.

Still, it would have been nicer if all of us here at the home office could have been around. If only there was some magical way to make us complete for Christmas...


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