

As I went over old files and photos looking for material to update this blog, I realized that 95% of the work I did over the past year was indeed administrative / office conciergey. Nothing wrong with that, but all I could ever call home about was to say "Turn on CNN!  I rented, unfolded and arranged those tables they're signing the peace treaty on!"

Thank goodness then for the LLDD-Hyphen-L, the LLDD-Baby, and London Living in general for bringing more colour and variety to my days.  Take last month.  The Embassy had its usual strong slate of Independence-related activities, my inputs on which were "catered it / drove people to it / approved the overtime for it / helped in the clean up / installed the backdrops / made sure there was enough toilet paper in the bathrooms / locked up after everyone left." Essential, to be sure, but I doubt any of it will be carried by Wikileaks.

The LLDD-Hyphen-L, the LLDD-Baby and London Living, on the other hand, introduced me to...PEPPA PIG!!!


No relation to Peppa Meddleton

Parents out there know: if you're going to have to spend hours upon hours watching kiddie videos with your babies, it will be absolute torture if the lead characters are sensory-overload cutesy (I'm looking at you, Minnie Mouse Bowtique), borderline impertinent (*cough* Raa Raa the Noisy Lion *cough*) or just sheer weird (WTF In the Night Garden?!?).  What a relief then the LLDD-Baby is currently into Peppa Pig, who I find tolerably pleasant and sufficiently amusing, not to mention has a cheap theme park going on just an hour's drive away.

Although I don't like how the LLDD-Baby immediately identified me as "Daddy Pig"

Anyway, that's how I think I'll break down my past year as Office Concierge: the admin highlight-of-the-month, and an LLDD-Hyphen-L/LLDD-Baby/London Living foil  to break the monotony.   You're welcome.


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